#1 waluigi board

#1 waluigi board // As a younger person I had some intense experiences with a Ouija board. I wonder if had I not grown up with a negative indoctrination towards magick, would I have perhaps been open to a more positive experience instead of the penetrating negativity that the ouija board seemingly awakened in me? The ouija board classically reflects the embodiment of extreme psychic phenomena for many a young and intrepid edgelord. Simple, basal composition combined with the ease of acquisition and use also contribues to the ouija’s reputation.

Those most prone to dabbling with the ouija are likely adolescents or young people walking aroung with immeasurably powerful psychic footballs of angst, yearnings and nightmares – which are easily hijacked by use of the ouija board. Not the board itself – but because the ouija is relagated to the realm of death, black magick and mischief, we are effortlessly prone to access darker energies through play with the ouija board. Due to this cultural conditioning, our psyche has easy reach to the more unhelpful and insane ethereal forces coupled with our own trollish tendencies running through our shadow selves – this combination is probably reasonably responsible for the vulgar, violent, incoherent or inexplicably ancient Egyptian communications.

There are simple, practical uses for such a tool – such as simple divination, which with a proper mindset can and does prove quite valuable. (I used one on my most recent job search and it proved helpful.) Think of the possibilities of having accessed the ouija board originally with an empowering and positive mindsest. How might my life be different? Perhaps the illustration doesn’t really match the tone of this post, but I’m sticking by it anyhow. -ks

[x-posted to @atmosphericoccultism // exoterra-arts.com]

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